Dentist Oxford Dry Mouth Complications


Dry mouth, or medically known as xerostomia, is an oral condition that happens when the salivary glands don’t produce enough saliva. Most of the time, it's a common side effect of several medications prescribed to patients, like anticholinergics and antidepressants. It may also be the result of diseases like tumors found in the head, mouth, and / or neck. It is extremely irritating and can bring ill effects to your dental health.


The Complications Brought About by Dry Mouth Are the Following:


1. Having permanent dry mouth can possibly cause difficulty in speaking, swallowing, and / or even eating.


2. Because there is a decrease in the amount of saliva in the mouth, one can suffer from abrasions brought on by eating coarse foods. The saliva helps in flushing out food particles and mouth bacteria.


3. A deficiency of saliva in the mouth gives way for bad bacteria to build up. This increases the risk of having halitosis, also known as bad breath, cavities, and other diseases of the gums.


4. People with dry mouths will experience difficulty in tasting the food the eat, since their taste buds only function when food is dissolved in liquid.


5. Dryness of the mouth also makes smelling things a lot harder, since the nose is also connected to the mouth.


Seeking medical attention is needed when a person is suffering from dry mouth. For temporary dry mouth, you can cure it by managing the infection which caused the dryness. Treatment options like using an artificial saliva spray can also help relieve a dry mouth. Additionally, constantly consuming fluids or chewing sugarless gum can alleviate the feeling of dryness. Alternatively, medical treatment like pilocarpine can aid in stimulating the salivary glands to produce more saliva. Avoiding medications like decongestants and antihistamines can also help prevent dryness. Drinking highly acidic liquids and smoking is discouraged. Most importantly, regular tooth brushing and rinsing is recommended. Taking regular dental check-ups will also help you identify the treatment needed. Visit your dentist in Sutton MA today for more information.